2026 Cycle: Eligibility & Supporting Documents are Now Posted. | 2026 Important Dates & Deadlines are Now Posted.

Contact Us

Contact Us

HSC B200D, Health Sciences Centre
Foothills Campus, University of Calgary

3330 Hospital Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1

The AIMG Program Office

Please use our Contact form or email us. Voicemails will be retrieved intermittently. Note that it may take 3 business days to respond to your inquiry however, we will endeavour to respond as quickly as we can. Sending multiple emails will not expedite your response time as they are responded to in the order they are received.

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General Inquiries

General Program Inquiries

+1 (403) 210-7790

Email Inquiries

Toll Free Phone Number

+1 (866) 810-8184

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM MST


8:30 AM to 12:00 PM MST

The AIMG Program Office is closed for in-person inquiries.